Title : Just Another Day in 2079
Tool : Adobe Illustrator
Syd Mead was an American industrial designer and neo-futurist concept artist, widely known for his designs for science-fiction films such as Blade Runner, Aliens and Tron. Mead has been described as "the artist who illustrates the future" and "one of the most influential concept artists and industrial designers of our time.
Tool : Adobe Illustrator
Syd Mead was an American industrial designer and neo-futurist concept artist, widely known for his designs for science-fiction films such as Blade Runner, Aliens and Tron. Mead has been described as "the artist who illustrates the future" and "one of the most influential concept artists and industrial designers of our time.
I am a big fan of his works in conveying the general life activities that would be happened in the future, at which showing the ideal living of wealthy people, with no barrier of ethnics, etc.
I use Adobe Illustrator CC 2021 to portray a scene in general of people visit each other with the flying vehicle and showing a modern scenery style at that time.
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